Best Books on Freelancing

The Freelancer’s Bible: Everything You Need to Know to Have the Career of Your Dreams―On Your Terms

Sara Horowitz is the authority when it comes to freelancing. Founder of the national Freelancers Union and the Freelancers Insurance Company, The Freelancer’s Bible encompasses every idea, strategy and practicality you will ever need to succeed as a freelancer. From finding and keeping clients plus dealing with the deadbeats, invoicing, one-hour contracts, productivity, dry spell tactics, reputation, taxes, health insurance, financial freedom and even retirement. If you have a question about freelancing, this book has the answer.

by Sara Horowitz

Dear Freelancer

Dear freelancer, freelancing is hard. Brittany Melton, a freelance web developer and agency owner, has compiled an intelligent and invaluable read that details her successes and failures while navigating the freelancing field. She delivers her experiences in digestible bites of wisdom and doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to the feast or famine lifestyle of the freelancer. She equips you with the necessary tool box to prepare you for your best work-life balance. 

by Brittany Melton

The Hustle Manifesto

​This is the practical guide to escaping the 9-5 grind and becoming your own boss. With 35 things you need to know before you quit this is a step-by-step manifest oto ensure you are asking the right questions and making the right moves. Make a six-month plan, solidify the side-hustle, understand the market, write your resignation letter and thrive being self-employed.

by Ross Simmonds

Writer for Hire: 101 Secrets to Freelance Success

Kelly James-Enger explores the entire freelancer experience and provides insight into both the craft and business of freelancing. Written for easy implementation, with 101 secrets simplified into 5 strategies, this book covers key areas such as managing deadlines, handling finances, client communication, establishing expertise and processing rejection gracefully. Want to be a writer for hire? Read this.

by Kelly James-Enger

Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships in a Hyper-Connected World

Acclaimed business columnist and networking guru, J. Kelly Hoey, presents an innovative approach to networking in the age of Social Media. Detailing specific strategies that build lasting and mutually beneficial relationships, you cannot underestimate the value of strong interpersonal connections to grow business opportunities

by J. Kelly Hoey

The Gig Is Up: Thrive in the Gig Economy, Where Old Jobs Are Obsolete and Freelancing Is the Future

Want to stand out in the new economy? Olga Mizrahi asks the most important question, “Why choose you?” The Gig Is Up focuses on this vital point; what does it take to compete in this modern world of expanding options and overwhelming choices. You must bring the very best version of yourself to the table, so instead of employers asking “Why you?” Their question is “Why not you?” Compelling read on how to stick out from the crowd.

by Olga Mizrahi

Freelancing: The Blueprint to Become a Top Earning Freelancer in 90 Days or Less

Tyler Ford puts freelancing under the microscope and challenges the notion of bidding against others at $4/hour. Top earning freelancers do not engage in this dynamic, instead they follow a blueprint that attracts high paying work towards them. Ford believes anyone can freelance, however, if you specialise in writing, graphic design, or programming this book is a must as it details the specifics of how to become a top earning freelancer in 90 days or less!

Tyler Ford

Stop Thinking Like a Freelancer: The Evolution of a $1M Web Designer

Liam Veitch provides his own personal freelancing experiences as the foundation of this book to get people paid more than they earned the month before. Big-business thinking and evolutionary improvement are the cornerstones for this practical guide to financial freedom.

by Liam Veitch

Diana’s Freelance Tips: How to Succeed on Upwork: A Winning 7-Step Formula and Some Hard Truths from a Freelance Pro

Considering Upwork for your freelancing future? This book is written from an insider’s perspective. Diana Marinova shares her own formulas and hard truths on how to build a lucrative career through Upwork, from bidding, to contract negotiations and hiring people. If you want to know this platform inside out and upside down, this is the read for you.

by Diana Marinova

The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools & Strategies for Freelancers

Practicality personified for freelancers worldwide, this book is a compilation of the best expert advice available. From market research, surveys, case studies and interviews with several freelancers in various international industries this book translates global perspective to local success. Highly recommended for the Digital Nomad.

by Robert Vlatch

Freelancing for Dummies

Whether just starting on the freelancing path or a seasoned professional, Susan M. Drake, a top corporate communication consultant, has complied this full spectrum of knowledge. Incorporating advice from successful freelancers in design, event planning, training, writing and accounting, she covers evaluating projects and clients, optimising your work environment, budgeting, business negotiations, effective marketing and managing the doubts of self-employment. This complete guide is an easy read with practical steps to support every stage of the freelancer’s journey.

by Susan M. Drake

The 4-Hour Workweek

Tired of the rat race? Dream of earning five-figures per month? Fancy the luxury lifestyle of world travel with ocean office views? Timothy Ferris has got you. Read how he went from slugging out 80 hour per week for $40k per annum to $40k per month working 4 hours per week. Live like a millionaire without having to be one.

by Timothy Ferris

How To Win Friends and Influence People

Excellent advice that has sustained sixty years in the industry with several high-profile success stories. Not simply a guide to booming business but a thought-provoking insight into the personal side of unleashing potential. Communication is still the key to success and that’s timeless.

by Dale Carnegie

Want to learn more about freelancing?

There are some excellent freelancing tools available or get some great tips from these relatable freelance podcasts. I’m really digging RJ McCollom’s The Freelance Podcast.

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