Best Freelancing Resource Websites in Australia

If you’re a freelancer you’re already resourceful, you found us right? Here is a collection of top freelancing websites, with an Australian focus, to broaden your resources and go next level with your freelancing research.

If you are looking for some of the best freelance job sites we have you covered, however, this compilation is less about putting you together with your next employer via a job site and more about amassing tools that inform your career path.

Today’s goal is to put you together with sites you may not have initially considered but provide solid information that could spark an idea or tweak a process. Thinking outside the box is going to set you apart from the increasing competition. invites you to check out the 1800 different work categories. What The Freelancer?! Simply reading through these options is going to help you clarify what’s on offer and where you fit in.

The Freelance Jungle

The Freelance Jungle cracked the code early on, understanding the biggest challenge facing freelancers is isolation. Their focus is bringing people together, in a friendly, supportive environment. Their website promotes education through online learning, podcasts and blogs. There is also a Facebook community and virtual meetings to facilitate networking and pulse checks. They are also keen advocates for Australian freelance rights and industry recognition.

Isolation Hacks

  • Building community to curb isolation inherent in freelancing
  • Raising the knowledge bar for Australian freelancers
  • Providing practical strategies to combat mental health issues
  • Promoting offline catch ups to blow off team and have a laugh

The Muse

Full disclosure, this is an American freelance site but their resources are on point. The Muse Advice Board is a truly comprehensive library of articles that range from writing the perfect cover letter, to finding freelancing gigs without a college degree or how to align your soft skills with your qualifications.

Alignment is a key focus of The Muse as they believe in order to build a dream career, there needs to be a good fit between the professional needs of both freelancer and company.


Freeline is a dedicated Australian Freelance Writers Network, which hosts an email-based group discussion board. You can message individual members or the group as a whole for insight into freelance writing in Australia.

Get Industry Links to:

  • Legal Council
  • Associations
  • Councils
  • Unions
  • Courses


Another option from left field as Seek’s primary objective is to to match Australian employees with employers. However, you can mine their search engine for gold. “Freelancer” results provide detailed job opportunities that supply exact job descriptions, education and industry prerequisites, remuneration, hours etc. With the industry expectation laid out in front of you, it’s easy to compare where you are with what you need in order to succeed.


Stay with me on this one! While not a conventional freelance website, Finder’s search boasts, “We don’t compare all products in the market, but we’re working on it!” Their search on “freelancing” is going to result in a plethora of job sites, articles, product reviews, apps, tools, courses, retailers and templates to spark enough ideas to have you firing on all cylinders. You’ll get a real-time real-world snapshot of what is happening in your world right now.

Search Your Engine!


A platform that needs no introduction. A simple search of Australian freelance marketplaces is going to result in top freelancing hacks. Get relatable first hand knowledge from people who have succeeded in the field or have worked on specific freelance job sites. They provide step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for the transition, acquire and retain clients, build online portfolios, establish a social media presence and the importance of getting an accountant. Most creatives don’t develop bookkeeping skills! You’re your own boss now – YouTube is one of the easiest tools to keep you on top of trends.

Pro Tip – Freelance TEDTalks

The Freelance Collective

This Australian freelance site is a creative online community promoting photographers, graphic designers, web developers, social media experts, marketing gurus, journalists and bloggers, to mention but a few. Their blog is a must, featuring extensive resources from marketing to outsourcing and intimidating legal speak.

Once the freelancer is vetted for quality, The Freelance Collective facilitates client/freelancer relationships to ensure the most successful outcome.

Join to access

  • Stunning profile page
  • Support from fellow Australian freelancers
  • Publicity via our social media channels and blog
  • Free annual subscriptions


Turtlewig is like a digital corkboard for everything you could possibly need to support your life in the gig economy. It’s clear and concise UI lists tools and resources for those looking to improve their professional circumstances. This freelance website gets the job done and isn’t that leading by example?

The Navigation Menu is key.

Take your ingenuity and translate it into education. Get creative about how you source information. Follow freelancers on social media, create a LinkedIn profile, don’t only use “freelance” as your search term, freelancery is a creative alternative. For something completely random, punch “freelance” into Trustpilot simply to see the good and bad reviews in the marketplace. Search your niche industry for entrepreneurial articles and subscribe to their content. You need to be a resource bloodhound to constantly refine and adapt your services. With the world at your fingertips you need to have your finger on the pulse.

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